
One of the great elven cities of the lost land Sildor. Abandoned between the fall of Lantalaure & Belegond. Absorbed into the Empire 1605 and rebuilt

Dalbin fell into ruin rather than being sacked, and as a consequence the remains were far more substantial. After the founding of Orc-Land, the ruins were comprehensively picked over by orcs. Little or nothing remained of any value.

After the return northward of the Orcish people, the Erlyid Empire re-claimed Orcland and Dalbin with it. Work on rebuilding it as the northernmost Imperial city commenced immediately.

By 1655 Dalbin is once more a significant city, a trade hub on the New Tellaran Road linking Narthal, Lantalaure and Karennal. Dwarf trade from Nisur is also picking up, and the city is very cosmopolitan for an Imperial settlement. It is notable that none of the remaining orc troops in Imperial service are stationed here.

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